- Meeting called to order – President Simmons
- Invocation
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Roll Call – President Simmons
- Approval of Agenda
- Message from Mayor
- Reports of Department Heads
- Reports of Standing Committees
- Public Hearings: None
- Business from floor pertaining to items on the consent and regular agenda (5-minute time limit).
- Consent Agenda:
All matters listed within the Consent Agenda have been distributed to each member of the Florence City Council for reading and study, are considered to be routine, and will be enacted by one motion of the Council with no separate discussion. If separate discussion is desired, that item may be removed from the Consent Agenda and placed on the Regular Agenda by request. Please call 256-760-6400 for questions on Consent Agenda items prior to the Council meeting.
(a) Approval of minutes of the January 21, 2025, meeting.
(b) Confirm payment of bills by the City Treasurer.
(c) Resolution to approve and adopt the City of Florence 2025 Solid Waste Management Plan, that will serve as the basis for solid waste management within the City of Florence, from the date of adoption through December 31, 2035, sponsored by David Koonce.
(d) Resolution to approve a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Florence and the Community Action Agency of Northwest Alabama, Inc., to provide supportive services to benefit the homeless, and to provide cash in-kind for a housing counselor, in the amount of $50,000.00, sponsored by Chief Holt.
(e) Resolution to approve a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Florence and the Community Action Agency of Northwest Alabama, Inc., to provide supportive services to benefit the Homeless Management Information System, and to provide in-kind supportive services for the system, in the amount of $10,000, sponsored by Chief Holt.
(f) Resolution to approve a contract with Civil Group, LLC., to provide professional engineering services necessary for the Pine Street restriping, bike, and pedestrian improvements between Irvine Avenue and Cypress Mill Road, in the amount of $234,900.00, to be paid from Fund #188, Account #954-48500, sponsored by Bill Batson.
(g) Resolution to approve a contract with WMW, LLC., d/b/a Servpro of the Quad Cities, to provide labor, equipment, materials, and incidentals necessary to clean the HVAC ducts, at the Karsner House, in an amount not to exceed $1,460.00, to be paid from Fund #158, Account #266-43600, sponsored by Brian Murphy.
(h) Resolution to approve a contract with Jeremy T. Glenn, d/b/a North Alabama EMS Consultants, to provide materials, instructions, audit of credentials, uniforms, badges, and incidentals necessary to conduct an on-site AEMT course for six (6) employees for the City of Florence Fire Rescue personnel, in the amount of $10,800.00, to be expensed to Account #283-42200, sponsored by Tim Anerton.
(i) Resolution to approve a contract with H & N Construction, Inc., to provide labor, equipment, materials, and incidentals necessary for construction of the Florence Fire Station No. 4, in the total amount of $4,442,000.00, to be paid from budgeted funds, sponsored by Tim Anerton.
(j) Resolution to approve a contract with Janco 360, Inc., to provide labor, equipment, materials, and incidentals necessary to repair the pool vacuum, at the Royal Avenue Recreation Center, in an amount not to exceed $2,808.80, to be paid from budgeted funds, Account #260-44410, sponsored by Bill Jordan.
(k) Resolution to a contract with Irons Electric Company, Inc., to provide labor, equipment, materials, and incidentals necessary to install new LED upgraded light fixtures, at the Florence Lauderdale Coliseum, in an amount not to exceed $28,500.00, to be paid from budgeted funds, Account #147-44410, sponsored by Bill Jordan.
(l) Resolution to approve the Addendum to the Memorandum of Understanding
between the City of Florence and E-Footprints Partners, LLC., (“EFP”), authorizing EFP to explore and apply for additional grants, and that the Mayor is herby authorized to execute any necessary documents to complete addendum, sponsored by Bill Jordan.
(m) Resolution to approve a contract with Athens Fence, Inc., to install a fence, a walk gate, and a cantilever drive-thru gate, at the Electricity Department transformer storage facility, in an amount not to exceed $11,750.00, to be paid from FY2025 budget, Account #390.00, sponsored by Mary McDuffa.
(n) Resolution to approve a contract with Clemmons & Mason Holdings, LLC., to provide labor, equipment, materials, and incidentals necessary to perform stump grinding services for the Florence Utilities Electricity Department, on an as-needed basis, to be paid from FY 2025 budget, Account #571.10, sponsored by Mary McDuffa.
(o) Resolution to approve a contract with Shoals Overhead Door, LLC., to provide labor, equipment, materials, and incidentals necessary to install three new commercial doors, at the Florence Electricity Department warehouse, in an amount not to exceed $23,693.50, to be paid from FY 2025 budgeted funds, Account #390.00, sponsored by Mary McDuffa.
(p) Resolution to approve a contract with Shotcrete of America, LLC., to provide labor, equipment, materials, and incidentals necessary for drainage improvements at Center Star Substation for the City of Florence Electricity Department, in an amount not to exceed $78,500.00, to be paid from FY 2025 budgeted funds, Account #923.00, sponsored by Mary McDuffa.
(q) Resolution to approve a contract with General Sign Company, Inc., to provide labor, equipment, materials, and incidentals necessary for the replacement of twelve (12) precision-tooled aluminum plaques, at the Veterans Memorial Park, in an amount not to exceed $10,673.00, to be paid from budgeted funds, Account #188-399-48000, sponsored by Mayor Betterton.
(r) Resolution to approve an agreement with Granicus, LLC., to provide online agenda and boards support for the City of Florence, to include the one-time start-up fee of $3,975.00, which was not included in the original amount of $19,11840, submitted December 17, 2024, for a total amended amount of $23,093.40, sponsored by Mayor Betterton.
(s) Resolution to advance and reimburse travel expenses to City employees, sponsored by Mayor Betterton.
12. Regular Agenda
(a) Ordinance to vacate a utilities easement in Lot 5 and a part of Lot 6, RESURVEY OF LOTS 4, 5, 6, & 7, HEATHERHURST ADDITION NO. 1, in favor of Ricky L. Doxie and Christine T. Doxie, sponsored by Tad Cole.
(b) Resolution to approve an Alcohol Beverage License Application for the operation of a package store with 011-Lounge Retail Liquor-Class II (Package) by MILKY WAY HOLDINGS, LLC., d/b/a SHOAL CREEK BEVERAGE, located at 4140 FLORENCE BOULEVARD, sponsored by Bob Leyde.
13. General Business: None
14. Business from the public (5-minute time limit).
15. Council Members reports and/or comments (5-minute time limit).
- Council member Edwards – District 5
- Council member Oliver – District 6
- Council member Hendrix – District 2
- Council member Griffin – District 3
- Council member Eubanks – District 4
- President Simmons – District 1
- Mayor Andy Betterton
16. Motion to adjourn.