Welcome to Florence, Alabama



January 7, 2025
5:00 P.M.


  1. Meeting called to order – President Simmons
  2. Invocation
  3. Pledge of Allegiance
  4. Roll Call – President Simmons
  5. Approval of Agenda
  6. Message from Mayor
  7. Reports of Department Heads
  8. Reports of Standing Committees
  9. Public Hearings: None
  10. Business from floor pertaining to items on the consent and regular agenda (5-minute time limit).
  11. Consent Agenda:
    All matters listed within the Consent Agenda have been distributed to each member of the Florence City Council for reading and study, are considered to be routine, and will be enacted by one motion of the Council with no separate discussion. If separate discussion is desired, that item may be removed from the Consent Agenda and placed on the Regular Agenda by request. Please call 256-760-6400 for questions on Consent Agenda items prior to the Council meeting.

(a) Approval of minutes of the December 17, 2024, meeting.

(b) Confirm payment of bills by the City Treasurer.

(c) Resolution to approve a contract with Renegade Fencing, Inc., to provide labor, equipment, materials, and incidentals necessary to install a 6’ chain-link security fence and gates, at the Urban Forestry maintenance building, in the amount not to exceed $20,135.00, to be paid from budgeted funds, sponsored by Craig Thompson.

(d) Resolution to approve a contract with Methvin Equipment, Inc., to provide travel, labor, equipment, materials and incidentals necessary to provide crane, transportation, erecting and dismantling services as necessary for the City of Florence Electricity Department, to be paid from FY 2025 budgeted funds, Account #923.00, sponsored by Mary McDuffa.

(e) Resolution to approve a contract with Irons Electric Company, Inc., to provide labor, equipment, materials, and incidentals necessary to install new flag pole flood light and to add three (3) GFCI receptacles, at Fire Station #1, in the amount not to exceed $1,350.00, to be expensed to Account #266-42200, sponsored by Tim Anerton

(f) Resolution to approve payment of Invoice #39035, dated November 25, 2024 from Tatum Oil, Inc., for labor, materials, and incidentals to remove contamination from fuel tanks at Railroad Avenue, for the City of Florence Street Department, in the amount of $784.00, to be expensed to Account #260-43120, sponsored by David Koonce.

(g) Resolution to approve payment of Invoice #38921, dated December 26, 2024, from Ringer’s Garage Door Co., Inc., in the amount of $494.25, for emergency door repair at the Florence Recycle Center, to be expensed to Account #266-43125, sponsored by David Koonce

(h) Resolution to approve payment of Invoice #38923, dated December 26, 2024, from Ringer’s Garage Door Co., Inc., in the amount of $4,697.25, for emergency repairs on the main east door and main west door at the Florence Recycle Center, to be expensed to Account #266-43125, sponsored by David Koonce.

(i) Resolution to an agreement with the Northwest Alabama Council of Local Governments, Area Agency on Aging, and the City of Florence, for services under Title III of the Older Americans Act of 1965, in an amount not to exceed $15,000.00, sponsored by Bill Jordan.

(j) Resolution to approve a contract with Coldwater Landscapes, LLC., to provide labor, equipment, materials, and incidentals necessary for an irrigation assessment, at the River Heritage Park, in the amount of $8,835.68, to be paid from budgeted funds Account #929-44725, sponsored by Bill Jordan

(k) Resolution to approve a contract with Irons Electric Company, Inc., to provide labor, equipment, materials, and incidentals necessary to install a 120/250 Volt 20 Amp twist lock receptacle in pump house, at the Coffee-O’Neal Sportsplex, in the amount not to exceed $395.00, to be paid from budgeted funds Account #266-44725, sponsored by Bill Jordan.

(l) Resolution to approve a contract with General Sign Company, Inc., to provide labor, equipment, materials, and incidentals necessary for the purchase and installation of four (4) panel signs to provide directions to each field, at the Coffee-O’Neal Sportsplex, in the amount not to exceed $4,997.00, to be paid from budgeted funds #196-929-48117, sponsored by Bill Jordan.

(m) Resolution to approve a contract with HelpWith, LLC., to provide labor, equipment, materials and incidentals necessary to replace two entry doors, at the Kennedy Douglas Art Center, in the amount of $2,972.00, to be expensed to Account #266-43600, sponsored by Brian Murphy.

(n) Resolution to approve a contract with JC Hamm & Sons, Inc., to provide labor, equipment, materials, and incidentals necessary to install one (1) Trane, HVAC unit, at the Southall House, in the amount not to exceed $13,992.00, to be expensed to Account #1147-43600, sponsored by Brian Murphy.

(o) Resolution to approve a contract with Cates and Puckett Construction Co., Inc., to provide labor, equipment, materials, and incidentals necessary to remove and repair the facia board, replace plywood panel and repair framing to window panel, and replace wood on two doors, at the Rosenbaum House, in the amount not to exceed $5,580.00, to be expensed to Account #1047-43600, sponsored by Brian Murphy

(p) Resolution to approve a contract with T. J. Construction, Inc., to provide labor, equipment, materials and incidentals necessary for the Rickwood Road Utility Relocations for the Florence Utilities Gas Water/Wastewater Department, in the amount not to exceed $1,468,011.65, sponsored by Tad Cole.

(q) Resolution to approve a contract with Eco-Tech, Inc., to provide labor, equipment, materials, and incidentals necessary to install an electric motor assembly and actuator, at the Cypress Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant, in the amount not to exceed $13,125.00, sponsored by Tad Cole

(r) Resolution to approve a contract with Duke’s Root Control, Inc., to provide labor, equipment, materials, and incidentals necessary to apply Razorooter to intrusive roots in the sewer collection, for the City of Florence Sewer Department, in the amount not to exceed $29,954.68, sponsored by Tad Cole.

(s) Resolution to approve an agreement between the City of Florence and the Community Action Agency of Northwest Alabama, Inc., for Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program Sub-Recipient Funding Contract, for the period of January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2025, sponsored by Melissa Bailey.

(t) Resolution to approve an agreement between the City of Florence and MOMS, Inc., for Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program Sub-Recipient Funding Contract, for the period of January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2025, sponsored by Melissa Bailey.

(u) Resolution to approve an agreement between the City of Florence and The Salvation Army, for Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program Sub-Recipient Funding Contract, for the period of January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2025, sponsored by Melissa Bailey.

(v) Resolution to approve an agreement between the City of Florence and Safeplace, Inc., for Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program Sub-Recipient Funding Contract, for the period of January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2025, sponsored by Melissa Bailey.

(w) Resolution to reappoint Evan Thornton to the Florence-Lauderdale Public Library Board, sponsored by the City Council.

(x) Resolution to appoint Craig Cassidy to the Florence -Lauderdale Public Library Board, sponsored by the City Council.

(y) Resolution to approve an agreement between the City of Florence and The Help Center for Project Help, sponsored by Mayor Betterton.

(z) Resolution to approve a contract with Tomlin Excavating Company, Inc., to provide labor, equipment, materials and incidentals necessary for the demolition of the Municipal Parking Deck, located at 116 West Tennessee Street, and properly dispose of the debris for the City of Florence Mayor’s Department, in the amount not to exceed $774,260.85, sponsored by Mayor Betterton.

(aa) Resolution to advance and reimburse travel expenses to City employees, sponsored by Mayor Betterton.

12. Regular Agenda

(a) Ordinance to approve new voting district lines for the upcoming municipal elections to be held on August 26, 2025, sponsored Bob Leyde and Bill Musgrove.

13. General Business: None

14. Business from the public (5-minute time limit).

15. Council Members reports and/or comments (5-minute time limit).

    • Council member Edwards – District 5 
    • Council member Oliver – District 6
    • Council member Hendrix – District 2
    • Council member Griffin – District 3 
    • Council member Eubanks – District 4 
    • President Simmons – District 1 
    • Mayor Andy Betterton

16. Motion to adjourn