Census 2020


The City of Florence is excited to kick off Everyone Counts! Census 2020 the first-ever, digital Census! “Census Day” is April 1, 2020. 

Why It’s Important

The Census is much more than just a head count! Census data will determine how more than $675 billion will be spent supporting vital programs within our community. The federal dollars that we will get for roads, hospitals, emergency services, school lunches, food assistance, and many other very important programs will depend on data provided by the 2020 Census. 

The 2020 Census questionnaire asks a few simple questions like the number of people living in your home, their sex and ages. You can respond online, by phone or by mail.  Individual responses are confidential and cannot be used against you by any government agency. In fact, the Census data is expressed statistically, and individual responses are sealed for 75 years!

Getting a complete and accurate count in 2020 requires everyone's help.  There are many ways for individuals, businesses, community organizations, and others to play a part. If you would like to partner with the Complete Count Comittee and help spread the message, please email: info@florencecensus2020.com

For more information about the 2020 Census please visit:


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