Welcome to Florence, Alabama

Energy Conservation

Energy Conservation

Efficient use of energy can make your home more comfortable and will save you money, while you’re helping conserve our nation’s resources.

Keep Warm in Winter:

  • Set your thermostat to 68° degrees during the day, 60°  at night, and turn it off when you’re away on vacation. 
  • Insulate to keep the heat where it is needed. A homeowner can cut up to 20% off a heating or cooling bill by installing insulation. The R-value is the measure of how well insulation keeps warm air from escaping through it. The higher number, the greater the insulating value. 
  • Keep attic vents open to allow moisture to escape. It’s important to have good ventilation to prevent damage to insulation in winter and keep the attic cooler in summer. 
  • Stop air leaks by caulking and stuffing insulation into gaps and holes where plumbing pipes and wires enter the home. 
  • Cut air drafts by adding weather stripping under or over a door if you can see daylight or feel a draft through a crack. 
  • Save on water heating by setting the temperature in your dishwasher to 130-135°. You may also consider a water heater insulation wrap to keep heat from being lost through tank walls.
  • During the winter, open draperies to let sunshine in. Close draperies or pull down shades at night when the temperatures drop. 
  • Monitor your fireplace and be sure your damper is closed unless you have a fire going. An open damper can allow up to 8% of the home’s heat escape up the chimney.

Energy Guide

When you’re shopping for new natural gas appliances, look for the EnergyGuide label with information about operating costs and energy efficiency. 

Florence Utilities Gas & Water Contact Details

Phone Number:

(256) 760-6490


650 Rickwood Road Florence, AL 35630

Office Hours:

Monday - Friday:
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Saturday - Sunday: Closed

Utility Bill Pay Box