Welcome to Florence, Alabama



September 17, 2024
5:00 P.M.

  1. Meeting called to order – President Simmons
  2. Invocation
  3. Pledge of Allegiance
  4. Roll Call – President Simmons
  5. Approval of Agenda
  6. Message from Mayor
  7. Reports of Department Heads
  8. Reports of Standing Committees
  9. Public Hearings: None
  10. Business from floor pertaining to items on the consent and regular agenda (5-minute time limit).
  11. Consent Agenda:
    All matters listed within the Consent Agenda have been distributed to each member of the Florence City Council for reading and study, are considered to be routine, and will be enacted by one motion of the Council with no separate discussion. If separate discussion is desired, that item may be removed from the Consent Agenda and placed on the Regular Agenda by request. Please call 256-760-6400 for questions on Consent Agenda items prior to the Council meeting.

(a) Approval of minutes of the September 3, 2024, meeting.

(b) Confirm payment of bills by the City Treasurer.

(c) Resolution to approve Amendment to Group Contract No. G-71549-AL, with Prudential Insurance Company, regarding the City’s Long term Disability plan, sponsored by Melinda Morgan.

(d) Resolution to approve Electronic Signature Policy, sponsored by Melinda Morgan.

(e) Resolution to approve payment of Invoice ticket #2514889., to Power and Rubber Supply, Inc., in the Amount of $2,590.00, for belt repairs to the conveyor system for the Recycling Department, expensed to Account #260-43125, sponsored by David Koonce.

(f) Resolution to approve payment of Invoice # 26889, in the amount of $1,330.00, to Brindlee Mountain Fire Apparatus, for emergency repair and maintenance on Engine # 2, expensed to Account #261-42200, sponsored by Tin Anerton.

(g) Resolution to approve payment of Invoice #FA68352, in the amount of $1,102.27, to R. W. Parker Equipment Company, LLC, dba Hobart Sales & Service, Hobart Sales, for emergency repair and maintenance on Vulcan 2601 Stove at Station #1, to be expensed to Account #260-42200, sponsored by Tim Anerton.

(h) Resolution to approve a contract with R. W. Parker Equipment Company, LLC., dba Hobart Sales & Service, to clean and service Ice Machine at the Cemetery Office and Maintenance Building, in the amount not to exceed $500.04, to be expensed to Account #260-43400, sponsored by Frank Townsell.

(i) Resolution to approve a contract with A & H Concrete Finishing, to extend dumpster pad at new parking deck, in the Amount of $7,500.00, to be paid from budgeted funds 195-931-48149, sponsored by Bill Batson.

(j) Resolution to approve a contract with Tennessee Southern Railroad Company, for the Pipeline Crossing License, for the gas water utilities crossing at Rickwood Road, for a period of thirty years with a one- time payment in the Amount of $30,000.00, and a one- time application fee, in the Amount of $2,750.00 for each agreement, sponsored by Tad Cole.

(k) Resolution to approve Agreement for Utility Relocation Cost, with ALDOT, for the relocation project on Mitchell Boulevard, for water and wastewater facilities, in the Amount of $194,162.72, ALDOT paying the total costs, sponsored by Tad Cole.

(l) Resolution to approve Agreement for Utility Relocation Cost, with ALDOT, for the relocation project on Mitchell Boulevard, for natural gas facilities, in the Amount of $300,223.07, ALDOT paying the total costs, sponsored by Tad Cole.

(m) Resolution to approve an agreement with Sunbelt Solomon Services, LLC., to provide field service maintenance and oil processing services for transformers for Utilities Electricity Department, in accordance with agreed upon rate sheet and expenses, to be paid from budgeted 2025 funds Account #923.00, sponsored by Mary McDuffa.

(n) Resolution to approve Property Damage Release to McDonald, Michael, Benchmark, Foresters Program of the Southeast, Oakley Excavating, Inc., and Cottingham and Butler Claims Services, Inc., in the amount of $12,722.50, sponsored by Mary McDuffa.

(o) Resolution to approve a contract with APAC-Alabama, Inc., to provide labor, equipment, materials and incidentals for paving project for Utilities Electricity Department, in the Amount of $478,114.82, sponsored by Mary McDuffa.

(p) Resolution to approve a contract with Renegade Fencing, Inc., to provide labor, equipment, materials, and incidentals necessary to make repairs and install a 6’ commercial chain link fence and cantilever, at the Sportsplex, in the Amount of $12,000.00, to be paid from budgeted funds 196-929-48117, sponsored by Bill Jordan.

(q) Resolution to approve a contract with Fine Era Productions, for providing and setting up sound system and lights for Music in the Park, in the Amount of $7,500.00, to be paid from budgeted funds 302-44410, sponsored by Bill Jordan.

(r) Resolution to approve a contract with J & M Fencing Service, for repairing a backstop fence on Field One at Veterans Park, in the Amount of $625.00, to be paid from budgeted funds 256-44725, sponsored by Bill Jordan.

(s) Resolution to approve payment of Invoice #9000, from Commercial Industrial Renovators, Inc., for the repainting of gates, anchor and propeller displays at Veterans Park, in the Amount of $950.00, to be paid from budgeted funds 188-399-48000, Sponsored by Mayor Betterton.

(t) Resolution to appoint Ryan Lowe to the Port Authority.

(u) Resolution to appoint Scott Jones to the Port Authority.

(v) Resolution to appoint Abbie Hyche to the Tree Commission.

(w) Resolution to approve payment of invoice #385, to Fine Era Productions, LLC, for technical assistance for the State of the City event, in the amount of $1,400.00, to be paid from Account #482-41111, sponsored by Mayor Betterton.

(x) Resolution expressing City Council’s full support for the West College Street Extension and Bridge Project described in letter from Mayor Betterton, and hereby supports and requests any and all possible U. S. Department of Transportation funding for this project, sponsored by Mayor Betterton.

(y) Resolution to advance and reimburse travel expenses to City employees, sponsored by Mayor Betterton.

12. Regular Agenda:

(a) Ordinance approving and authorizing the execution and delivery of a project development agreement with FOF QZOB ONE, LLC., sponsored by Mayor Betterton, and Council President Simmons.

13. General Business:

(a) Board Vacancies: 
Tree Commission: 1 Vacancy
SEDA:  Will Pebworth 12/04/18  to 09/30/24
Joel Anderson II:  10/02/18 to  09/30/24
Library: 2 Vacancies (Lauderdale County Regional)

14. Business from the public (5-minute time limit).

15. Council Members reports and/or comments (5-minute time limit).

Council member Oliver – District 6
Council member Hendrix – District 2
Council member Griffin – District 3
Council member Eubanks – District 4
Council member Edwards – District 5
President Simmons – District 1
Mayor Andy Betterton

16. Motion to adjourn.