Hold Harmless Agreement
I do willingly participate in the City of Florence Police Department’s Ride-Along Program, in that I will be riding with City of Florence Police Officers, in City of Florence police vehicles while on regular patrol assignments. I do hereby agree, that while using the Florence Police Department’s facilities or while participating in the Florence Police Department’s Ride-Along Program, on or after this date, to hold harmless the Florence Police Department and the City of Florence, it’s agents and employees from any injury or damages sustained by me while using the Florence Police Department’s facilities or while riding in a City of Florence police vehicle. I also acknowledge that I assume responsibility for any accident or injury which may befall me while so engaged, and forever release the City of Florence, its Police Department, its agents and employees from any claim, whether it be based upon negligence, inadvertent or unforeseen incidents. I further represent that I understand all risks involved and agree that this HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT shall be binding upon my heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns.