Welcome to Florence, Alabama

Licensing/Local Laws

Below are some of the more common answers/laws/ordinances related to pets/animals in the City of Florence. You can download the entire city code related to pets/animals by clicking the link above.

Sec.4-80 (Running at Large)
“It shall be unlawful for any dog to run at large inside the city limits. You may let the dog loose in your yard not confined if you can control him but if you go inside the dog must be confined. You may take your dog to the park as long as you keep it on a leash.”

Sec.4-7 (Cruelty to Animals)

“In FLORENCE all dogs must be well taken care of or the abuser will face prosecution. All animals will be provided a four sided structure to live in, fresh water at all times, if confined by chain it must be at least eight feet long and tangle-free. The best type of structure is an igloo-type house. We will take custody of any animal that is being mistreated or one that is not being given proper medical care. No animal may be left unattended at anytime in a vehicle.”

Sec.4-10 “No person shall have a vicious animal inside the city limits” The Animal Control Dept. has the right to ban vicious animals or force the owner to move them outside the city limits.”

Sec.4-12 “Barking Dogs”

We receive many complaints on barking dogs. When someone complains about barking dogs we assist by taking the dog’s owner a copy of the ordinance letting them know someone has complained. The next step requires the person complaining to have a summons sent to the owner and then both parties will appear before the municipal judge.”

Most fines and court fees will cost offenders about $300.00

Sec. 4-78. – Tethering. Modified
No person shall, at any time, fasten, chain, or tie any dog and/or cat or cause such animal to be fastened, chained, or tied to a stationary object while such animal is within the city limits of Florence, Alabama.

Enclosures for dogs must provide a minimum of one hundred (100) square feet for each dog weighing thirty (30) pounds or more and thirty-six (36) square feet for each dog weighing less than thirty (30) pounds. Neither the length nor the width of any enclosure one hundred (100) square feet or larger may be less than eight (8) feet. Neither the length nor the width of any enclosure smaller than one hundred (100) square feet may be less than six (6) feet.

Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit owners or others walking dogs with a hand held leash.

Sec. 4-85. – Registration required; fee. Modified
The owner or person in charge of (i) a dog which is more than four (4) months of age and resides in the city and/or (ii) a cat that is frequently outside the residence and on the owner’s premises shall annually register the dog and/or cat as to sex, breed, description, name, and address of the owner or person in charge, and name of the dog and/or cat if any. At the time of such registration, such owner or person in charge shall, upon providing proof of a valid rabies vaccination, obtain a registration certificate for such dog and/or cat and shall pay a registration fee as follows:

Owners under the age of 65:
Spayed or neutered animal: $10.00
Unspayed or unneutered animal: $35.00

Owners 65 and above:
Spayed or neutered animal: $2.00
Unspayed or unneutered animal: $20.00
However, when a registration certificate is issued for a dog or cat too young to be sterilized at the time the registration is issued, and the dog or cat is sterilized before the beginning of the next registration year, upon proof of the sterilization, the city may issue a registration certificate at no charge for that registration year.

An owner or person in charge of (i) a dog which is more than four (4) months of age and resides in the city and/or (ii) a cat that is frequently outside the residence and on the owner’s premises, upon providing proof that the animal meets the criteria provided in subsection (a) and also that the animal has been sterilized, may choose to purchase a lifetime registration certificate rather than the annual registration certificate required under subsection (a). The lifetime registration fee shall be as follows:

Owners under the age of 65:
Spayed or neutered animal: $35.00
Unspayed or unneutered animal: N/A

Owners 65 and above:
Spayed or neutered animal: $7.00
Unspayed or unneutered animal: N/A
Upon the written opinion of a licensed veterinarian that an animal should not be sterilized because of age or health reasons, a waiver may be granted to the spay or neuter requirement for the lower registration fee. In those cases, the fee appearing in subsection (a)(1) above will be charged.

Any remaining revenue from pet registrations after the expenses of administering the registration program are paid shall be applied to the pet adoption, spay and neuter, and trap, neuter, spay and release programs.

Click Here to Download a License Application

To download the entire Florence Alabama City Code related to animals, click here.

Below are some of the more common answers/laws/ordinances related to pets/animals in the City of Florence.  You can download the entire city code related to pets/animals by clicking the link above.

Sec.4-80 (Running at Large)

“It shall be unlawful for any dog to run at large inside the city limits. You may let the dog loose in your yard not confined if you can control him but if you go inside the dog must be confined. You may take your dog to the park as long as you keep it on a leash.”

Sec.4-7 (Cruelty to Animals)

“In FLORENCE all dogs must be well taken care of or the abuser will face prosecution. All animals will be provided a four sided structure to live in, fresh water at all times, if confined by chain it must be at least eight feet long and tangle-free. The best type of structure is an igloo-type house. We will take custody of any animal that is being mistreated or one that is not being given proper medical care. No animal may be left unattended at anytime in a vehicle.”

Sec.4-10 “No person shall have a vicious animal inside the city limits” The Animal Control Dept. has the right to ban vicious animals or force the owner to move them outside the city limits.”

Sec.4-12 “Barking Dogs”

We receive many complaints on barking dogs. When someone complains about barking dogs we assist by taking the dog’s owner a copy of the ordinance letting them know someone has complained. The next step requires the person complaining to have a summons sent to the owner and then both parties will appear before the municipal judge.”

Most fines and court fees will cost offenders about $300.00 

Sec. 4-78. – Tethering. Modified

No person shall, at any time, fasten, chain, or tie any dog and/or cat or cause such animal to be fastened, chained, or tied to a stationary object while such animal is within the city limits of Florence, Alabama.

Enclosures for dogs must provide a minimum of one hundred (100) square feet for each dog weighing thirty (30) pounds or more and thirty-six (36) square feet for each dog weighing less than thirty (30) pounds. Neither the length nor the width of any enclosure one hundred (100) square feet or larger may be less than eight (8) feet. Neither the length nor the width of any enclosure smaller than one hundred (100) square feet may be less than six (6) feet.

Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit owners or others walking dogs with a hand held leash. 

Sec. 4-85. – Registration required; fee. Modified The owner or person in charge of (i) a dog which is more than four (4) months of age and resides in the city and/or (ii) a cat that is frequently outside the residence and on the owner’s premises shall annually register the dog and/or cat as to sex, breed, description, name, and address of the owner or person in charge, and name of the dog and/or cat if any. At the time of such registration, such owner or person in charge shall, upon providing proof of a valid rabies vaccination, obtain a registration certificate for such dog and/or cat and shall pay a registration fee as follows: However, when a registration certificate is issued for a dog or cat too young to be sterilized at the time the registration is issued, and the dog or cat is sterilized before the beginning of the next registration year, upon proof of the sterilization, the city may issue a registration certificate at no charge for that registration year. An owner or person in charge of (i) a dog which is more than four (4) months of age and resides in the city and/or (ii) a cat that is frequently outside the residence and on the owner’s premises, upon providing proof that the animal meets the criteria provided in subsection (a) and also that the animal has been sterilized, may choose to purchase a lifetime registration certificate rather than the annual registration certificate required under subsection (a). The lifetime registration fee shall be as follows:
Owners under the age of 65:
Spayed or neutered animal: $35.00
Unspayed or unneutered animal: N/A
Owners 65 and above:
Spayed or neutered animal: $7.00
Unspayed or unneutered animal: N/A
Upon the written opinion of a licensed veterinarian that an animal should not be sterilized because of age or health reasons, a waiver may be granted to the spay or neuter requirement for the lower registration fee. In those cases, the fee appearing in subsection (a)(1) above will be charged. Any remaining revenue from pet registrations after the expenses of administering the registration program are paid shall be applied to the pet adoption, spay and neuter, and trap, neuter, spay and release programs.

Animal Services Contact Details

Phone Number:

(256) 760-6676


3240 Roberson Road Florence, AL 35630

Office Hours:

Monday - Saturday:
11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Sunday: 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.