Welcome to Florence, Alabama



October 15, 2024
5:00 P.M.

  1. Meeting called to order – President Simmons
  2. Invocation
  3. Pledge of Allegiance
  4. Roll Call – President Simmons
  5. Approval of Agenda
  6. Message from Mayor
  7. Reports of Department Heads
  8. Reports of Standing Committees
  9. Public Hearings: None
  10. Business from floor pertaining to items on the consent and regular agenda (5-minute time limit).
  11. Consent Agenda:
    All matters listed within the Consent Agenda have been distributed to each member of the Florence City Council for reading and study, are considered to be routine, and will be enacted by one motion of the Council with no separate discussion. If separate discussion is desired, that item may be removed from the Consent Agenda and placed on the Regular Agenda by request. Please call 256-760-6400 for questions on Consent Agenda items prior to the Council meeting.

(a) Approval of minutes of the October 1, 2024, meeting.

(b) Confirm payment of bills by the City Treasurer.

(c) Resolution to approve a contract with Barnett Plumbing, LLC., to provide labor, equipment, materials and incidentals necessary to provide plumbing services on an as needed basis for all City of Florence Fire Stations, with an agreed upon schedule of fees, to be expensed to Account# 266-42200, sponsored by Chief Tim Anerton.

(d) Resolution to approve an agreement among the City, Lauderdale County and the 911 Board to pay $5,000.00 monthly to 911, to provide emergency dispatch services, with the City paying $2,500.00, and the County paying $2,500.00, sponsored by Brad Holmes.

(e) Resolution to amend Paragraphs I and IV of the Contract, dated July 23, 2024, between the City of Florence and T. J. Construction to bore 6″ conduit under Highway 72 for the AG Center project, sponsored by Mary McDuffa.

(f) Resolution to approve a contract with Oil Equipment Company, Inc., to provide labor, equipment, materials and incidentals necessary to upgrade the fueling system at the Florence Landfill, in the amount not to exceed $24,500.00, to be paid from budgeted funds #16401-43200, sponsored by David Koonce.

(g) Resolution to approve payment of Invoice #38667, dated October 7, 2024 from Tatum Oil, Inc., for labor, materials and incidentals, to remove water and waste from the fuel tanks at the landfill, in the amount of $2,600.00, to be expensed to Account# 260-43200, sponsored by David Koonce.

(h) Resolution to approve payment of Invoice #WA01065, dated April 30, 2024 from Alabama Department of Transportation, for labor, materials and incidentals to provide snooper or reach-all truck and operators for the inspection of City owned bridges, in the amount of $2,270.13, to be paid from Engineering Department Special Projects Account #398-43110, sponsored by Bill Batson.

(i) Resolution to approve a contract with White, Lynn, Collins & Associates, Inc., to provide surveying services for drainage project in the area of 1902 Greenbrier Road, in the amount not to exceed $2,100.00, to be paid from fund #110-1071- 48100, sponsored by Bill Batson.

(j) Resolution to approve payment of Invoice #47335, dated September 4, 2024 from Irons Electric Co., Inc., for labor, materials and incidentals to retrofit fixtures, replace bulbs and install receptacle in the server room, at the
Employees Health and Wellness Clinic, in the amount of $518.42, sponsored by Melinda Morgan.

(k) Resolution to approve a contract with Irons Electric Company, Inc., to provide
labor, equipment, materials, and incidentals necessary to retrofit current light fixtures to LED lights, at the Employee Health and Wellness Clinic, in the total contract amount not to exceed $1,900.00, sponsored by Melinda Morgan.

(l) Resolution to approve a contract with Certified Alarm Company of Alabama, Inc., to provide labor, equipment, materials, and incidentals necessary to install a proximity badge reader and magnetic lock on the front entry door, at the Park Patrol Office, in the total amount not to exceed $4,449.15, to be paid from budgeted funds #1053-44725, sponsored by Bill Jordan.

(m) Resolution to approve a contract with Certified Alarm Company of Alabama, Inc., to furnish labor, equipment, materials, and incidentals necessary for the installation of the entry door badge readers and electrified lock retraction kits on two shop doors, at the River Heritage Maintenance Building, in the total amount not to exceed $7,983.35, to be paid from budgeted funds #1053-44725, sponsored by Bill Jordan.

(n) Resolution to approve a contract with Water Street Communications, LLC., to provide general communications and fiber optic services on an as needed basis, for Parks and Recreation Department, based on schedule of labor rates to include materials, to be paid from budgeted funds, sponsored by Bill Jordan.

(o) Resolution to approve a contract with Hand Service Company, Inc., to provide labor, equipment, materials, and incidentals necessary to replace the sand filter backwash valves for fountain, at River Heritage Park, in the total amount not to exceed $6,594.00, to be paid from budgeted funds #260-44725, sponsored by Bill Jordan.

(p) Resolution to advance and reimburse travel expenses to City employees, sponsored by Mayor Betterton.


12. Regular Agenda:

(a) Resolution to approve the vacation of right-of-way, along the south side of East Tennessee Street, in favor of St. Joseph Catholic Parish, sponsored by Melissa Bailey.

(b) Resolution to approve application for Alcohol Beverage License, for the operation of a Full Menu Restaurant with On-Premises Liquor, Beer & Wine, 020- Restaurant Retail Liquor, to AGAVE MEXICAN GRILL LLC., d/b/a AGAVE MEXICAN GRILL, located at 3509 CLOVERDALE ROAD, sponsored by Robert M. Leyde.

13. General Business: None.

14. Business from the public (5-minute time limit).

15. Council Members reports and/or comments (5-minute time limit).

  • Council member Edwards – District 5 
  • Council member Oliver – District 6 
  • Council member Hendrix – District 2 
  • Council member Griffin – District 3 
  • Council member Eubanks – District 4 
  • President Simmons – District 1 
  • Mayor Andy Betterton

16. Motion to adjourn.