Collection Fee for Garbage and Recycling: $22.50 monthly fee for 1 assigned day each week. Up to three (3) additional garbage carts can be provided for an additional fee of $15 per cart, per month (Sec. 22-71 (a) updated October 2024). Garbage and recycling are collected on the same day and are covered under this fee. If you do not have a cart or your cart is damaged, call 256-760-6495.
Collection Carts: Garbage (green) and recycling (blue) 96-gallon carts are provided by the City of Florence and remain with the house if residents move.
Cart Placement for Collection: Place both garbage and recycling carts curbside by 7:00am.
- Place carts at least 3 feet apart and 3 feet from other obstacles (car, mailbox) and no more than 2 feet from the curb.
- Handle and wheels towards yard. Metal bar toward street.
- See graphic below.
Specifications for Residential Pickup in the City of Florence
Collection Costs: $20 monthly fee for 1 assigned day each week. Garbage and recycling are collected on the same day and are covered under this fee.
Collection Carts: Garbage (green) and recycling (blue) 96-gallon carts are provided by the City of Florence and remain with the house if residents move.
Cart Placement for Collection: Place both garbage and recycling carts curbside by 7:00am.
- Place carts at least 3 feet apart and 3 feet from other obstacles (car, mailbox) and no more than 2 feet from the curb.
- Handle and wheels towards yard. Metal bar toward street.
- See graphic below.

Cart Storage: Carts cannot be stored curbside. They must be returned to a storage area near the residence after they are emptied on collection day.
Cart Maintenance: Residents are responsible for garbage and recycling cart care.
- Bag waste to maintain cleanliness.
- Cart damage from overloading and excessively hot materials is the resident’s responsibility. Residents must pay to replace carts damaged beyond repair.
- Carts are the property of the City of Florence and will stay with the home if the resident moves.
Extra Carts: Residents may access 3 extra carts if needed for a total of 4 carts for an additional fee of $15.00 per cart, per month (Sec. 22-71 (a) updated October 2024). Carts are the property of the City of Florence and remain with the property if the resident moves. An extra recycling cart is provided at no charge.
Dead Animals: The Solid Waste Department will pick up dead animals that are placed curbside but will not come on private property for them.
Hazardous Chemicals: The City of Florence does not pick up liquids, paints, or other hazardous materials.
Medical Waste: Before putting medical waste in a garbage cart, place it in a sealed heavy plastic container (e.g., a coffee container). Please contact this office or the Florence Police Department for more information.
Recycle Right: Click this link for a list of items that are recyclable in Florence.
Residential Recycling
The City of Florence offers weekly curbside recycling pick-up within city limits. Residents are given a blue 64-gallon recycle cart and may place their recyclables curbside for weekly pickup on the same day as their garbage pickup.
- If you do not have a cart, need an extra cart, or have a problem with your cart, please call the Florence Recycling Department at 256-760-6495.
- Please place recycling cart curbside with 3 feet of clearance all around the cart. The handle and wheels should be toward your yard with the metal bar facing the street. Regular garbage carts should be positioned similarly.
- Please return your recycling and garbage carts to their storage area. Carts cannot be stored at curbside!
Recyclable Materials
Materials currently being collected curbside by the City of Florence:
Recycling Drop-Off (City and Non-Residents)
The Recycling Plant at 1200 Terrace Street has bins located outside that are available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Bins are available to anyone who wants to recycle.
Solid Waste & Recycling Contact Details
Solid Waste & Recycling
(256) 760-6495
(256) 760-6399
Office Hours:
Monday-Friday 7:00 AM- 3:30 PM
Recycling Drop-off 24/7
1200 Terrace Street
29485 County Rd. 14