Understanding Your Bill
Reading Your Utility Bill
A sample bill is shown to help you better understand your utility bill. Listed below are explanations of the different sections. Compare the section number on the bill to the matching explanation number listed below. There is also a section called “Understanding Your Bill” that will help, too.
Your account number appears in two places on the bill for your convenience. Having your account number available when calling Florence Utilities will allow us to more efficiently assist you. A return envelope is also included should you choose to mail your payment. Simply detach the top portion of the bill and insert it in the envelope provided and keep the bottom portion for your records. If you are paying at Florence Utilities or one of our many participating banks, please bring the entire bill with you. We have also included telephone numbers on the front side of the bill as a handy reference should you need to contact us.
On the backside of the bill there is a space for you to provide us your telephone number. This is important in order to provide you with efficient service in the future. If you need to change your address or phone number please call (256) 760-6512.

A sample bill is shown to help you better understand your utility bill. Recently, Florence Utilities redesigned the utility bill to make it more informative, larger, and easier to locate information. Listed below are a few of the new features.
Last Statement Balance
This is the balance due from your previous bill prior to any applicable late fees.
This is the total of adjustments to your account, including any applicable late fees and billing corrections made to your account since your previous bill was processed.
This is the total of payments to your account since your previous bill was processed.
Last Month’s Usage/# Days
This is the usage and the number of days for the previous period for each utility service.
Last Year’s Usage/# Days
This is the usage and the number of days on the same billing period last year for each service shown.
If you have questions, please contact Customer Service at 760-6512.
Utilities Contact Details
Phone Number:
(call or visit for immediate attention)
110 W. College St.
P.O. Box 877
Florence, AL 35630
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm