Welcome to Florence, Alabama

Payment Options

Payment Options

It's easier than ever to pay your bill!

Pay Online Computer Circle
Pay Online

Please visit the Customer Portal. Within this platform, you can conveniently register or log in to your account. Here, you’ll have access to various functionalities such as viewing your bill, enrolling in autopay or paperless billing, securely storing payment information, and reviewing your usage history. Stay tuned for the upcoming Florence Utilities Ebiz App, enhancing your user experience even further.

Pay by Phone Circle
Pay By Phone

Please call 888-449-0666

(key in full account number-no dash)

Pay by Text Speech Bubble Circle
Pay By Text

Customers can sign up to receive a text of their monthly bill notifications and pay their bill by text message. Sign up through Ebiz link: Customer Portal or the Guest Payment Option: Guest Payment Portal, or you can ask a Customer Service rep to sign you up for texts. The customer must respond to the first text message giving Invoice Cloud permission to send text messages to your phone.

Schedule a Payment Calendar Circle
Schedule a Payment
AutoPay Arrow Circle

Want to know about the easiest way to take care of your monthly utility bill? By participating in the Bank Draft/Autopay Program, your bill is automatically paid on the due date, and you don’t have to worry!

The forms for the Bank Draft Program are available at the Utility Department or call 256-718-3219 and one will be mailed to you. This form authorizes automatic bank drafts to pay your bill. The drafts will occur on the due date, so there is no penalty fee.

Customers who register their account in the payment portal can also sign up online for bank draft using a bank account or credit card. Register here: Customer Portal

You’ll receive a bill marked “Scheduled for Autopay” each month, so you’ll know how much has been withdrawn.

Electronic Bank Draft Brochure

Paperless Leaf Circle

For easy sign-up for Paperless or Budget Billing, you can fill out the form at the following link:  Set it and Forget it-Enroll

28 echeck visa mastercard discover amex googlepay applepay paypal venmo

Welcome to the new and improved bill pay service. You may register and log into your Florence Utilities account where you can manage your account, view your bill, and have access to all of the new bill pay options. Plus, you can now sign up for text notifications, autopay, paperless, schedule payments, and save payment information. You can also pay your bill using the Guest Payment option without having to log into your account. If we have your email on file, you will receive courtesy emails that can be stopped at any time. 

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Inside cashier or drive-thru available 8am-5pm M-F (No credit/debit cards at drive-thru). Please bring bill stub or account number with payment. 

Drop Box in vestibule on Short Court St.-Available 24/7 Preferably check only, no cash. Don’t forget to attach your bill stub or account number to check.

Pay by phone-888-449-0666 (key in full account number-no dash)

Customer Texts-Customers can sign up to receive a text of their monthly bill notifications and pay their bill by text message. Sign up through Ebiz link: Ebiz Customer Portal or the Guest Payment Option: Guest Payment Portal, or you can ask a Customer Service rep to sign you up for texts. The customer must respond to the first text message giving Invoice Cloud permission to send text messages to your phone. 

Pay Online-go to the Ebiz payment site link: Ebiz Customer Portal  From this site, you can register or log into your account. You can view your bill, sign up for autopay or paperless, save payment info, view usage history, etc. Coming soon……Florence Utilities Ebiz App!

Guest Payment/Pay Now Online option-go to the Ebiz payment site link: Ebiz Customer Portal and select the link below the log in box that says “Guest Payment” or use this link: Guest Payment Portal . Key in your account number-no dash and your last name (or business name) and select search. Billing history for this account will pull up for each monthly billing period, so you will need to select the box next to the correct month’s billing, select “add selected bills to cart”. If you need to pay more than one bill, select “I want to find more bills” and key in the account number and last name again for the second bill, then select the box next to the correct month’s billing and add to cart. Follow the prompts to pay the bill. You can get a receipt by keying in your email address and can sign up for texts on this link also.

Credit/Debit card payments will have a $5.45 processing fee paid to the processor by the customer. $1000 limit for credit/debit cards, unlimited transactions. Florence Utilities does not keep any of this fee. Check payments are always free.

Returned Payments-$30 fee-Please note that returned payments are required to be paid immediately and are subject to disconnection within 5-10 days.

Non-Pay Disconnects-If you have been disconnected, please call Collections at 256-760-6525 to determine the amount to pay for reconnection. Reconnect fees will apply. 

We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, PayPal, PayPal Credit, Venmo, Google Pay and Apple Pay.

For easy sign-up for Paperless or Budget Billing, you can fill out the form at the following link:  Set it and Forget it-Enroll


Want to know about the easiest way to take care of your monthly utility bill? By participating in the Bank Draft/Autopay Program, your bill is automatically paid on the due date, and you don’t have to worry!

The forms for the Bank Draft Program are available at the Utility Department or call 256-718-3219 and one will be mailed to you.) This form authorizes automatic bank drafts to pay your bill. The drafts will occur on the due date, so there is no penalty fee.

Customers who register their account in the payment portal can also sign up online for bank draft using a bank account or credit card. Register here: Customer Portal

You’ll receive a bill marked “Scheduled for Autopay” each month, so you’ll know how much has been withdrawn.

Electronic Bank Draft Brochure


The Budget Billing program examines the previous 12 months’ bills, determines a monthly payment amount based on that history, and in May, you reconcile by making up any shortfall or overage.

The Budget Billing Program is designed to let qualified Florence Utility residential customers pay the total of their yearly utility service bills in 12, approximately equal, payments. To qualify, you must have had service on our system for the last 12 months, and your account must have a zero balance at the time the application is processed.

Please note that your first year on the program may not cover a full 12 months, depending on when you enter the program. Regardless of when you enter the program, your account will be balanced with the May billing of each year and a new budget amount calculated for the next budget billing period (12 months).

Calculation of Budget Billing amount:
If you have lived at your present address for 12 months or more, your budget billing amount will be your last 12 months’ average utility bill plus 5%. If you have lived at your present address for less than 12 months, we will estimate your average usage. This will vary from your actual usage because of factors such as the number and ages of family members and the size of the living space. This may cause a larger balance with the May billing if your actual usage is greater than our estimate.

Yearly Adjustment:
The monthly budget billing amount will apply until May. In May, the account will be balanced to zero. A credit amount will be deducted from your account. A debit amount will be billed to you. The budget billing amount will be recalculated for the next budget billing period (12 months) based upon your last 12 months’ usage.

Closing Budget Account:
Either Florence Utilities or the customer may cancel the agreement covering the budget plan at any time. All credits or debits must be paid in full at the termination of this agreement.

If a Budget Billing payment is missed:

Your monthly budget billing amount must be paid each month, regardless of any credit you may have on your account. If the payment is not received by the due date, there will be a penalty added to the monthly budget billing amount. If the account is not paid, we may remove you from the program and the account must be paid in full at that time.

Usage on your bill:
Your monthly utility bill will disclose your usage for the month. This will allow you to monitor your usage.

Your Monthly Bill:
Your monthly bill will have all the same information that you receive now. The amount due will still be shown in the upper right-hand corner and at the bottom of the bill. In addition, there will be an added line showing the prior balance of your account. If you have a heat pump loan, a Project Help donation, a mobile service loop payment, or any other miscellaneous payment, these amounts will be added to the monthly budget billing amount which will then be due on the due date.

For more information on any of these programs, call 256-760-6512 or for easy sign-up online:  Set it and Forget it-Enroll


The Social Security Payment Program allows customers receiving Social Security benefits to move the due date of their utility bills to a date after they should have received their checks. This will allow them to avoid the penalty for late payment if payment is made by the new due date. The new dates, assigned by Florence Utilities, will be the 5th, 6th, 9th, or 11th, depending upon the location of the service address.

This program is solely for residential customers and only for their primary residence. The customer’s account must be paid in full at the time of the application. Customers who qualify shall complete an application prior to acceptance.

The customer has the right to end his participation in the program at any time. If participation in this program fails to show positive effects in assisting the customer in the timely payment of his utility bill, Florence Utilities reserves the right to return the customer’s account to the billing date applicable to its service address. Upon termination of participation by either Florence Utilities or the customer, any outstanding bill will be governed by its existing due date.

Should you decide to move from your current location, a final bill will be billed the following workday after disconnection and will be due by the due date stated on the final bill.

Florence Utilities reserves the right to discontinue the program at its discretion.

Call Customer Service at 256-760-6512 for more information.  Signed documents are required for sign-up.


Invoice Billing is designed to let qualifying Florence Utilities customers have multiple accounts billed on the same utility bill with the one due date. This will allow you to write one check for all of your utility bills each month.

To qualify for this program, you must meet the following requirements:

  1. All accounts to be included on the invoice bill must be in the same name.
  2. Your accounts must be paid in full at the time the application is processed.
  3. You must have 5 or more accounts that you want on the invoice bill.
  4. You must notify us of which accounts you would like to include on the invoice bill. You may not want to include all of your bills on the invoice or you may add accounts in the future.

Call Customer Service at 256-760-6512 for more information.

UCC/Heat Pump Loan Payment
For more information on a heat pump loan payment, current loan balance, payoff amount, or UCC filing, contact:

Denise Davis
City of Florence Utilities 
P.O. Box 877
110 W. College Street, Room 206
Florence,  AL 35631
Office: 256-718-3210
Email: ddavis@florenceal.org

Utilities Contact Details

Phone Number:



(call or visit for immediate attention)


110 W. College St.
P.O. Box 877
Florence, AL 35630

Office Hours:

Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Utility Bill Pay Box