Welcome to Florence, Alabama

City Council Meetings

The Florence City Council meets every first & third Tuesday of the month in the City Auditorium located at 109 South Pine Street, Florence AL 35630.  The City  Council Meeting and Work Session Agendas are available for your review. The City Council Meeting Minutes are added as they become available. 

NOTICE:  Current and future resolutions and attachments will continue to be included on the website.  The documents prior to October 2018 are available for review in the City Clerk’s Office, which is located in the Municipal Building at 110 W. College Street, Room 116.  Unofficial copies can be requested by emailing kwaddell@florenceal.org

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Council Meeting Agenda

04/01/2025Council Meeting
03/18/2025Council Meeting
03/04/2025Council Meeting
02/18/2025Council Meeting
02/04/2025Council Meeting
01/21/2025Council Meeting
01/07/2025Council Meeting

12/19/23Council Meeting
12/05/23Council Meeting
11/21/23Council Meeting
11/07/23Council Meeting
10/17/23Council Meeting
10/03/23Council Meeting
09/19/23Council Meeting
09/05/23Council Meeting
08/15/23Council Meeting
08/01/23Council Meeting
07/18/23Council Meeting
07/10/23Council Meeting
06/20/23Council Meeting
06/06/23Council Meeting
05/16/2023Council Meeting
05/02/2023Council Meeting
05/02/23 Public HearingCouncil Meeting
04/18/2023Council Meeting
04/04/2023Council Meeting
03/21/2023Council Meeting
03/07/2023Council Meeting
02/21/2023Council Meeting
02/07/2023Council Meeting
01/17/2023Council Meeting
01/03/2023Council Meeting

Meeting Rules of Procedure


Section 1. Sections 2-63 of the Code of Florence, Alabama, as amended, is hereby repealed upon the provisions of this Ordinance becoming effective.

Section 2. In lieu thereof the following section is adopted, to-wit:

Sec. 2-63. Order of business.

The order of business shall be as follows:

  1.  A call to order.
  2.  Invocation.
  3.  Pledge of Allegiance
  4.  Roll call; establish quorum.
  5.  Approval of Agenda.
  6.  Message from mayor, if any.
  7.  Reports of department heads, if requested.
  8.  Reports of standing council committees.
  9.  Public hearings.
  10.  Business from floor pertaining to items on the consent and regular agenda (5-minute time limit).
  11.  Consent agenda:  All matters listed within the consent agenda will be distributed to each member of the city council for reading and study; these matters are considered to be routine, and will be enacted by one motion of the council with no separate discussion. If separate discussion is desired on any item, that item may be removed from the Consent Agenda and placed on the regular agenda by request. Please call 760-6400 for questions on consent agenda items prior to the council meeting.
  • Approval of previous council meeting(s) minutes;
  • Auditing Accounts and authorization;

  1.  Regular agenda.
  2.  General Business.
  3.  Business from the public (5-minute time limit).
  4.  Council members’ reports and/or comments.
  5.  Motion to adjourn.

This ordinance shall go into effect upon its passage, approval, and publication as provided by law.

Contact Details



102 South Court Street, Suite 200 Florence, AL 35630

Office Hours:

Monday - Friday:
8:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday - Sunday: Closed

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